Cold Grief

It's February

Deep in snow

Yet one small leaf

Won't let go

He quivers

He takes his stand

On his lonely branch

With his small twig hand

I wonder -

Am I this leaf?

Refusing to give up

my grief?

Stubbornly staying

Out in the cold

Rather than running

Back to the bold

Vulnerability of emotion.

An ocean.

A chasm.

I can’t. I can't.

I'd rather be cold

Than be told

There's more pain to feel

Up ahead.


I'll hold my stead.

Here on this branch.

Me and this leaf.


in our lonely grief.


What are you struggling to let go of at your current phase of the cancer journey? Do you think there’s a time for holding on and a time for letting go? I know I struggle with the rate at which the rest of the world seems to move past my sister’s cancer now that she’s a survivor, while I’m still angry and sad on her behalf. Let me know your experience in the comments.




At Least